Brainspotting is helpful for almost any concern or issue, including PTSD and trauma, anxiety, depression, emotional distress, chronic pain or disease, unresolved loss and grief, relationship challenges, or confusion.
Brainspotting works by directly tapping into the brain’s autonomic and limbic systems, located within the central nervous system. Our eyes are constantly moving to help us process information. A brainspot is a fixed eye position that is linked to a felt sense in the body which triggers positive or negative emotions and memories.

Brain-based therapy has proven to immediately address issues which talk therapy can take years to heal.
An emotionally intense, frightening, or traumatic event can overwhelm us and as a result, that experience gets ‘stuck’ in the body (the central nervous system) leaving us overly-sensitive and hyper-reactive.
Trauma lives in the experience (not the event). When trauma occurs, it overwhelms the system and we are not able to appropriately process everything that happened. The primitive brain takes over and if we remain in 'fight or flight,' we cause tremendous stress and a part of us shuts down to survive. The traumatic experiences get stored at the sensory, visceral, and often nonverbal levels in our bodies. It puts a lot of exhausting strain on the mind-body system and can lead to symptoms such as nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, depression, irritability, phobias, panic attacks, and isolation.
Brainspotting processes and 'unloops' these stuck memories so we can experience relief and resolution, resulting in a strengthened sense of self. When the processing is complete, we still have the memories, but they are emotionally neutralized and are no longer triggering. This results in feeling more grounded, balanced and empowered.

Brainspotting Therapy Helps Clients With
PTSD and trauma
Self-sabotage and unhealthy patterns
Anxiety and depression
Insomnia and sleep issues
Physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse
Accidents or traumatic injury
Habit change
Chronic pain
Athletic performance
Public speaking
Professional performance
Substance abuse and addictions
Anger and emotional regulation
Health issues
Attachment trauma
Relationship concerns
Grief and loss
Phobias and fears
Low self-esteem
ADHD and/or ADD