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RoHun Healing Therapy
The Vibration of Healing

RoHun™ is a process of clearing, healing, and enlightenment and
a method for self-development, personal discovery, and spiritual evolution.

RoHun™ is a systematic and rapid acting therapy for personal growth and change.  It works through the healing power of love and understanding to release and replace negative energy with positive energy.  RoHun connects us with the vitality and perception of our Spirit, energizes our Higher Self and renews our minds.  


As an energy based method of healing, RoHun uses the electromagnetics fields surrounding the individual to work in a simultaneous, integrated manner with their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.  The energy fields of the client and therapist are joined in creative interaction to bring about deep and insightful change and the accelerated evolution of consciousness.

RoHun deals with the negative emotional circumstances and events, the traumatic and seemingly unimportant happenings that have tainted our perception and negated our belief in self, those that have caused us to sabotage and 


"The Rohun sessions with Alison were one of the more powerful and impactful things I’ve ever done! Very transformative. Alison is a gifted healer and the Rohun sessions were a very worthwhile investment!"


- Joel M, Carpenter

isolate ourselves from the people and things we desire.  It releases blocked negative energies that are trapped in the body, in memories of past experiences, in current behaviors, in our thoughts and views about life, and in our self-concept.

Each step of the process requires your active enactment.  The therapist cannot do it for you, she can only give you the direction for making the changes you desire for more freedom, ease, and peace in your life.  The client works through each step with concentrated thought and emotional commitment.


RoHun means "the vibration of healing."

RoHun includes 4 major components and Universal truths:

Love - connection to unconditional divine and self love
Forgiveness - for spiritual understanding and release
Self-Knowledge - evolution into wholeness of being
Continuity of Consciousness - cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth


Benefits of RoHun

Peace of mind
More harmony in your life
More energy
Freedom from negative thoughts
Enhanced creativity
Greater self-confidence and self-trust
Freedom from guilt, shame, and resentment
Increased giving and receiving of love
Reduced tension and stress
Attract loving people into your life
Attract positive situations into your life
Increased compassion
Better understanding of yourself
Cleared false and detrimental thought patterns that attract negative situations
Heightened sensitivity to your own inner resources
Forgiveness and release of the past

RoHun Sessions

RoHun Session Types

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RoHun Cards Session


soul level healing for more aligned living




RoHun Cards contain the essence of RoHun and the cards synchronize with your energy, showing you a reflection of your personal circumstances.
The Cards offer a structured method to reach your inner self, see the shadows within, understand faulty thoughts patterns, and have personal realization.  From a meditative state, you will select the cards which reveal the issues and areas of life that need attention and healing.  The session uses the power of



visualization to see the issues, identify the negative emotions and beliefs and investigate the origin of the pattern.  We work synergistically together to heal through love and understanding.  A card session will help you uncover a major block that is stopping you from taking your next step so you can move forward with greater ease, confidence, and inner power.


Sessions are 1.5-2 hours for $220

RoHun Cleanse


a profound first step in healing of great depth and satisfaction



The RoHun Cleanse consists of 2 stand alone sessions that are 3-3.5 hour each and are meant to cleanse and release emotional blocks that are holding you back from expressing your full potential.


The first session dives deep into clearing the mother's and father's consciousness that imprinted you while you were in the womb.  

The second part works with 4 main parts within us: the unworthy self, the scared self, the helpless self, and the judging self.


We work to restore your connection to your true self and increase your intuitive nature, so you can trust yourself to guide you in the right direction.


The Cleanse is a significant first step if Purification doesn't feel quite right yet, which is a deeper and longer dive into the same topic areas.


2 Sessions - Each are 3-3.5 hour session for $390

RoHun Purification


letting go of personal pain and conditioning to restore the soul's divine awareness





Rohun Purification Healing is an in-depth cleansing of the faulty thoughts, inner conflict, and painful emotional patterns that you have held for lifetimes and carried for your ancestors.  This is collaborative work between the therapist and client and is profound and transformational.  You will connect with your Higher Self, clear the negative energy in each chakra, feel a powerful understanding of who you are, and move into deeper love and forgiveness. 

Purification consists of 3 - 4 sessions that are 3-3.5 hours each and need to happen on back to back days for $1,490.

RoHun Skim Session


A continuation of Purification release with deeper levels of consciousness and healing.


A Skim is a continued cleansing process after Purification.  Deeper issues may emerge after Purification as you strengthen your abilities to face aspects of the self with greater directness.  A Skim usually takes place 3-4 weeks after Purification and in that time, issues and energies that were loosened in the Purification process surface and can be released.  The Skim clears those surfacing faulty thoughts and negative emotions and prepares you to go to the RoHun Shadow Process.

Skims are generally scheduled every 3-4 weeks until you are ready to move into the Shadow Process.

Single 3-3.5 hour session for $390


RoHun Shadow Healing


releasing patterns of sabotage and abuse and healing the darkness that blocks your light




The RoHun Shadow Process (The Caged Process) moves you into greater depths of the unconscious, where shadow aspects are expressed from. The shadow thoughts and feelings are “caged," or locked away from your conscious awareness.  The Caged Process reveals all those secretly held and faulty and abusive thoughts and feelings that you have about yourself and how those affect your relationships with others.  This is a targeted mission that will cleanse and release what you didn’t know was sabotaging your life.  You will connect with your love and realize that your light is so much more powerful than any shadow aspects.  This awareness allows us to restore our thinking and behavior to that of goodness, health, and peace.

The Shadow process consists of 4 sessions that are 3-3.5 hours that need to happen on back to back days for $1,590.


RoHun Male/Female Energy Healing


healing the internal war between the inner masculine and inner feminine   



This process is about healing the layers of duality between inner masculine and feminine and between the heart and mind. Our feeling body and heart is feminine, and the thinking body and mind is masculine. These parts within are not in harmony, and this inner conflict is continuously played out in our male/female relationships. The Male/Female Energy Healing Process heals the drama and internal battle between the sexes, which can only be healed in our lives from the deep internal work. This therapy integrates the heart and the mind so that conflicts are healed and so that thoughts and feelings work together in harmony.  The results are a more aligned and peaceful relationship with ourselves and attracting healthier relationships in our lives.


The Male/Female process consists of 4 sessions that are 4 hours on consecutive days for $1,990.

RoHun Mother Healing


restoring wholeness and creating right relationship with self and divine love



  The Mother Healing Process releases contracts and vows we make with our mothers when we are growing up.  It's designed to assist individuals with using the power of their will, their truth, and their voice to heal mother-induced spiritual fragmentation, psychological imbalance, and emotional entanglement.  Clearing agreements we make with our mothers allows us to develop a new relationship with the Divine Mother, and restore our connection to divine love.  When we live in our own pure energy, we can connect to higher guidance and feel inspired to live by our truth and create our unique gifts in this world.


The Mother Healing process consists of 1 session for 3-3.5 hour session for $390.

RoHun Origins Process


integrates and unites the ego and soul




When the spirit of man became individualized, the soul and the ego were born, each with a different idea and focus. In the Origins Process, one is taken back to the time of individualization, back into the Source, to heal the break with the Divine and the illusion of separation. The Origins Healing Process integrates the soul and ego and brings them back together into unity and awareness.


The Origins process consists of 2 sessions that are 3-3.5 hours on

consecutive days for $910.

RoHun Seven Visions


transformation through the Seven Visions of Self for purposeful synergistic divine living




The Seven Selves are the archetypal energies residing within our seven major chakras. When we are born we enter into the world of form with deficient human potentials. The goal of the Seven Selves is to guide us in obtaining a collective expression of wholeness.  The Seven Visions of Self Healing Process provides a rare opportunity to classify and understand your thoughts and emotions on every dimension of your being. You will learn how to assist yourself and others to know and access the power of love and to create a dynamic synergy within to heal yourself and to fulfill your healing and life purpose.


The Seven Visions process consists of 4 sessions that are 4 hours 

on consecutive days for $1,990.


"Working with Alison for Rohun Cards was truly an amazing and transformational experience. Using her creativity and intuitiveness, she skillfully facilitated my healing journey which allowed the work to be so deep and personal. I felt completely changed by our session in ways that will stick with me going forward. I highly recommend working with this skillful practitioner if you are sincerely interested in healing and moving to a new level of awareness and love in your life."  

- Bennett K, Administrator

"The Rohun sessions with Alison were one of the more powerful and impactful things I’ve ever done! Very transformative. Alison is a gifted healer and the Rohun sessions were a very worthwhile investment!

It opened up things in me that were very repressed. I’ve noticed changes in the way I feel and act so I know it works. I’ve struggled with being a people pleaser most of my life, which came from a place of fear. Fear of what others might think of me and pleasing others to make them happy even if it doesn’t feel good to me. Once Alison shined a light on that and we worked thorough it, I felt a shift. Things that I would have previously thought twice about before speaking, I can now easily access and I can speak from a place of confidence. I have realized that by putting myself first, I’m actually more capable to be there to help others."  

- Joel M, Carpenter

***Trained in RoHun™ Therapy at The RoHun™ Institute, Delphi University.

RoHun™ was developed by Patricia Hayes, Founder, and Director of Delphi University, The Patricia Hayes School of Inner Sense Development and The RoHun™ Institute

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